Friday, June 28, 2019

Stupid errors that took me more than 1 hour to solve

Here is my follows up on the original post here:

The list will keep increasing day by day but hopefully i wont repeat any of the items here.

Soft-Hyphen Characters

There was a request from my client to remove Soft-Hyphen character from a JSON.
A JSON use to render a page on Android and iOS.
Client did not specify the devices or OS, And I did not get the issue at first on Android.
But I could see some red-dot in JSON, I did a replace

replace({ '­':'', '­':'', '­': '' }) 

Sadly, It was not enough,
Took me some hours to find a solution here:

Even my friend told me that i should convert the U+00AD into a character and use that character to replace

And yes!, if you're checking the solution on StackOverflow, the answer is

$str = str_replace('­', '', $str);

And here was the diff on Stash

Throw Error in Promise.

What did i do?
I was trying to throw some error inside a Promise, but I forgot to put catch in the end of the end. My web server was hanging for several minutes before it responded.

function doAsync (){
  return new Promise( (resolve, reason ) =>{
      // do something to make error happens.
       throw new Error("ABC")

For the code, we have two solutions. 1.1 Use resolve with the error.

function doAsync (){
  return new Promise( (resolve, reason ) =>{
      // do something to make error happens.
       return reason( new Error("ABC") );

1.2 Use catch to return the error value.

function doAsync (){
  return new Promise( (resolve, reason ) =>{
      // do something to make error happens.
       throw new Error("ABC");
  }).catch(err => errorHandling(err))

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