Sunday, July 28, 2019

Google Cloud Build connect to VM on premise

GCP Cloud Build is so cool with 120 minutes free per day.

I want to use Cloud Build to execute a script to deploy a NodeJS project on my private VM.

Here is what i have done in my cloudbuild.yaml

# copy configuration bucket from GCS to cloudbuild
- name:
  args: ['cp',
# Set 400 to private key.
- name: 'kroniak/ssh-client'
  args: ['chmod',
# ssh into remote instance and run a script.
- name: 'kroniak/ssh-client'
  args: ['ssh',
Because CloudBuild is stateless, you need to create your RSA keypairs and store the keys on a private GCS.

You need to add your RSA public key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on your server, tutorial here

And the script to pulling code and restart server.

# It is good practice to print the required versions on server. 
# cause the code will execute in SSH non interactively mode.
echo "NodeJS: "$(node -v)
echo "NPM: "$(npm -v)
echo "Working directory: " $WORKSPACE
git checkout develop
git pull -Xtheirs
echo "===================Install dependencies ==========="
npm install
echo "===================Finished install dependencies ========"
pm2 reload $WORKSPACE/ecosystem.config.js production  --update-env

Here are example values of the variable.
_GCS_CONFIGRATION_BUCKET : my-private-bucket-configuration
_SSH_REMOTE_PORT :  2202 // hacker will sad.
_SSH_REMOTE_COMMAND :  /home/aduckdev/